Africa Safari

Africa safari SEE the Wild animal , While many safari visitors are keen on seeing the Big 5 like: buffalo, elephant, leopard, lion and rhino; there is a lot more out there if you know where to look.
Prepare Basic supplies to Safari in Africa
It is very important to have enough water on hand, because the National Parks can be very hot and the temperatures around 30ÂșC in the shade are common. Slap on liberal amounts of sunscreen and wear a wide-brimmed hat that will not be blown off in the wind.
Early morning and night drives, on the other hand, can get distinctly chilly during the African winter, so a sweater or coat will come in handy.
Game drives are best enjoyed when you have good optical equipment such as binoculars, still cameras and video cameras. All optical equipment has to cope with very difficult light conditions, such as intense sunlight during daytime and very little light at the crack of dawn when many predators are active.